If you hope to make money online with these sites, you need to have a blog/website for that. Amazon advertising Network - (amazon.com) You can sell amazon affiliate products through your blog/site to earn. First you have to create an account to start. Then, they will give you a code that you have to paste in your site or blog. You will get a commission, when you sell a product. Chitika - (chitika.com) This is a pay-per-click ad service that is similar to Adsense. You will get-paid when somebody click on an advertisement. Text Link Ads - (textlinkads.org) Another big company. You can get Textlinkads (out-of-content) or Inlinks. We can see many more sites such as payperpost.com and sponsoredreviews.com at the internet. If you interest to work as a publisher, you can earn good revenue with these programs
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